Audience data fuels business growth. Find out more about your users: learn their engagement and loyalty levels, location, as well as the technology they use. Enrich reports with your own offline customer data.
Data on your users' location can provide you with valuable market insights. Click-throughs from users in regions other than your target locations can hint at where you can focus your marketing efforts to drive growth.
Know if your audience is interested by keeping track of the average number of pages per user and time spent on site. Monitor traffic distribution by time of day to learn when your users are at their most active.
It’s always good to know how many first-time users turn into your loyal customers. Loyalty reports show recency and frequency of sessions, as well as the total number of sessions per user, so that you can find out the average number of sessions it usually takes for a lead to convert.
The way your users access your site can greatly impact the outcome of an interaction – often it’s the broken layout that makes people leave, not the message. Knowing your users’ OS, browser version, device, and screen resolution will help you make sure your site is fully functional – and allow you to redesign with all types of users in mind.
Custom user data
You can add up to 1000 custom dimensions per user to track important online interactions that are not captured by default or to supplement website statistics with offline CRM data. Create narrow segments to examine all kinds of audience groups – for example, explore the behavior patterns of top-spending clients who last came to your site three months ago.
Ad blocker usage
For content sites it’s crucial to monitor ad blocking software usage. Ad blocker report shows the percentage of sessions where ads were filtered out by some of the most common apps.
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To start using Yandex.Metrica, simply register an account, get code snippet,
and add it to all pages of your site.